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Language is a window to a new world


Language is a window to a new world, a mediator of friendship. Every year on September 22, this national holiday is celebrated in our country as a tribute to the languages of all nationalities living in Kazakhstan. It was approved after the decree of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev dated January 20, 1998. In our country, there are many representatives of different peoples who study the Kazakh language, highly support and develop the status of the state language. Our College also has students of various nationalities who are fluent not only in their native language, but also in Kazakh, Russian, and foreign languages.

Last week was dedicated to the day of languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan. Teachers of Kazakh, Russian and English languages took an active part in the preparation and holding of this event.

The purpose of the decade was to develop the intellectual and creative potential of students, interest in learning languages, and stimulate interest in studying the culture of other countries. The decade contributed to the development of students ' creative potential.

Students actively participated in this event, read poems in different languages (Kazakh, Russian, English.)

Russian poet Pyotr Andreevich Vyazemsky defined the role of language in the spiritual life of the people: "Language is the confession of the people. You can hear his soul and home life in it"

A drawing contest "Our common home — Kazakhstan" was held, reflecting the life and life of the peoples of Kazakhstan, which was attended by 1st and 2nd year students. In each drawing, students reflected their understanding of the culture of different peoples.

1st and 2nd year students took part in the essay Contest for the day of languages of the peoples of Kazakhstan.

The decade brought great satisfaction from the work done, the activities of which allowed to reveal the abilities of many children in extracurricular activities.

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